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Saturday, May 15, 2021

7 Crucial Advantages of Investing in Cryptocurrencies

 Having emerged as a perfect digital alternative to traditional exchange methods like cash or credit card, cryptocurrencies have achieved an alternative point of view.

There are many people who consider cryptocurrencies as a potential financial medium for fraudsters, criminals and terrorists- especially considering their involvement in ransomware scams and, transactions in dark-web.

On the other hand, the huge value upsurge in Bitcoin have made cryptocurrencies a viable investment option which -with the positive hype surrounding the blockchain technology that supports it- can have a significant positive impact on the wallets and trading practices of new-aged traders.

This article we are going to tell you about advantages of investing incryptocurrencies:

1. Transactions:

In traditional investment dealings brokers, agents, legal representatives can add different types of complications and added expenses to what should otherwise be a straightforward affair.

One crucial advantages of cryptocurrency trading is that it’s an one to one affair. It takes place on a peer-to-peer networking structure which eliminates the role of a broker or middle man in a trade. It allows you to establish a good quality of audit trails and you can have less confusion over what you should pay to whom.

2. Huge Returns:

It’s true that cryptocurrencies have been around for a relatively shorter time but, they can be more profitable than any other traditional investment options. For example, highest return that you can expect from US stock is 20% but, cryptocurrencies tend show huge returns than it. Well, it’s risky but returns are huge.

3. Most Confidential Transactions:

In a traditional transaction process, all your transaction history becomes a reference document for your bank or credit card agency.

In crypto investment, each transaction you make is a unique exchange process between two parties. The exchange of information is done on a “push” basis which means you can transmit exactly what you wish for.

4. Transaction Fees:

In traditional investment plans, transaction fees are taken and that can bite out on your assets, especially when you do a lot of transactions on a regular basis. Since Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies receive their compensation from the cryptocurrency networks involved, no transaction fees are usually applied.


5. Easier International Trade:

Cryptocurrencies by their nature are not subject to the exchange rates, interest rates, transaction charges or other financial levies imposed by a specific country. Using peer to peer process of the blockchain technology, cross border transactions can be conducted using experiencing no challenges.


6.      Independent Alternative:

A lot of experienced wealth investors are a predicting a stock market crash in 2021, Cryptocurrency may be a safer alternative to more traditional investment solutions. Some experts believe that cryptocurrencies will be affected indirectly just like anything else.


7. Your Money is All Yours:

When you keep your money at bank, you are already at the mercy of other people and bank. With cryptocurrency investment, your money stays with you only. You don’t have to depend on financial institution for holding or transferring your money.

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